2006scape Wiki

The Ancient staff is a one-handed staff that, when wielded, allows the user to autocast combat spells from the Ancient magicks spellbook.

This weapon requires 50 Attack and 50 Magic to be held, including the completion of Desert Treasure.The only way to autocast spells from the Ancient magicks spellbook is to use this staff, making it a very useful weapon for mages who wish to usilize it's poweful spells.

It can be purchased from Eblis for the price of 80,000 coins. It is also dropped by Mummies in the Jaldraocht Pyramid.This staff has the symbol of Zaros at its head.

Due to its attack speed and good Melee bonuses players may wish to use this as a crush weapon, particularly against foes that are weak to crush attacks, such as tortoises. However, if a monster has high crush defence then it may be wiser to use a slashing or stabbing weapon.

Ancient staff

20080228234030!Attack Attack Bonus 20080228234030!Attack

20090908192543!White longswordStab

20090618110545!White scimitarSlash

20091226001243!White warhammerCrush

Screen Shot 2012-05-27 at 7.55.10 PM copyMagic

Screen Shot 2012-05-27 at 7.55.20 PMRanged






Combat Defence Bonuses Combat

20090908192543!White longswordStab

20090618110545!White scimitarSlash

20091226001243!White warhammerCrush Screen Shot 2012-05-27 at 7.55.10 PM copyMagic

Screen Shot 2012-05-27 at 7.55.20 PMRanged






Combat Other Bonuses Combat
Screen Shot 2012-05-27 at 7.55.29 PMStrength +50
Screen Shot 2012-05-27 at 7.55.51 PM Prayer -1